Friday 31 May 2013

Welcome to our humble abode

Dees ees experiment #1

Chooz: Well, this being our first post and all, YAYNESS!! I would like to take this opportunity to talk about my obsession with polka dots and bunny rabbits. Mind you, it is a healthy obsession, although my significant other refuses to acknowledge my polka dot obsession and would not let me buy those pants (grrrrr...). Ah well. If you haven't noticed, my significant other will also be posting on this heavenly polka dot place of chocolate sprinkles, and will speak to you shortly. This place is going to be random, and will consist of awesome brain vomits of whatever Chooz and Pooz will have to offer. That being said, my balloon seems to be loosing weight pretty fast. It needs help and I'm no expert in balloon medicine... Ducky is pretty thirsty these days...keeps needing his cup filled with water every few days. Summer heat perhaps. This will all make sense in the long run. Be patient liddle wan.

Pooz: There comes a time in a man's life when small occurrences become life-changing. The first time you say "I love you" to someone without planning it, the first time you realize the woman sitting across you is the one you want to spend your life with, the first time your newborn grasps onto one of your fingers with their entire hand, the first time you hold an iPhone or iPad and come to the realization that your years of mocking Apple were nothing more than the fact that you're an idiot and Apple is our Lord and Saviour. Yes, my friends...yes. This is just a tiny glimpse into the world I'll be spewing from every orifice of my being in this blog. You see, once upon a time, my beloved Chooz called forth to me and said "I shall blog and you shall contribute". I politely agreed and had taken an oath within myself to make sure She (yes, a capital "S") would not regret granting me such an honor...something I'm starting to question as I go back and proof-read this introduction. >_>

Without further ado, I shall stop trying too hard and actually write something of sense:
Hey guys, I'm metalcasket! The person who runs this blog (Chooz) is the person I hold most dear to my heart and it's an honor for me to be able to say she's the love of my life. It's also a privilege for me to able to write alongside her. Over the course of my future ramblings in this blog, you'll most likely come across random stories involving the both of us, loads of wrestling/MMA stuff (ugh...sweaty naked men, I knooow!), uploaded pictures of...stuff aaand you'll get to know "The Family", who you will come to love as much as we do. :) What's that you ask? "No iRelated stuff?" Why, of course! Yeah, you'll notice I don't shut up about that stuff. >_> Basically, I'll be blabbering about everything and anything! So yeah...I hope enjoy your stay here and hopefully I haven't scared you off! :)

May the force live long and prosper \V/

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